Soba - Präzisions Bohrmaschinenschraubstock

Soba - Präzisions Bohrmaschinenschraubstock

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Standort:Mierlo, Niederlande

anrufen +31492599593


Made of close grained high tensile cast iron. Jaws are hardened and ground. All sides are machined square so that it can be used flat, on its side or on its end. Can also be used for light milling.


Item NoPrecision 3 Way Universal Drill Press Vise 60 110140 / Precision 3 Way Universal Drill Press Vise 90 110141 / Precision 3 Way Universal Drill Press Vise 130 110142
Length251mm / 305mm / 368mm
Width60mm / 90mm / 130mm
Height67mm / 67mm / 67mm
Jaw Width60mm / 88mm / 133mm
Jaw Opening60mm / 104mm / 130mm
Jaw Depth35mm / 35mm / 35mm
Weight3.25kg / 5kg / 9.25kg