Soba - Magic Schraubstock

Soba - Magic Schraubstock

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Standort:Mierlo, Niederlande

anrufen +31492599593


Manufactured from close grained cast iron and precision ground body. The vise has multiple applications and is useful for clamping polygon work pieces, circular and round jobs as well as complex pieces. The round parts can be gripped with superior holding power. This vise has the capability of gripping odd shaped work pieces and eliminates the use of fixtures and jigs.


Item NoMagic Vise 75 110035 / Magic Vise 100 110040 / Magic Vise 125 110045
Length270mm / 355mm / 380mm
Width110mm / 140mm / 165mm
Height63mm / 75mm / 100mm
Jaw Width75mm / 100mm / 125mm
Jaw Opening82mm / 100mm / 125mm
Jaw Depth38mm / 38mm / 45mm
Weight7.75kg / 10kg / 18kg